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 Inspire          Medical Communications, LLC

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Changing lives one word at a time.


Let me introduce myself!

My name is Maria Arini Lopez. I am a freelance medical writer and Doctor of Physical Therapy from Maryland

specializing in orthopedics,

neurology, rare diseases, and genetic disorders.

Mission Statement

My mission is to inspire patients to take an active role in learning about their conditions and to break down complex medical jargon into easily understandable material. My mission is to inspire healthcare providers to deliver the highest quality of care guided by the most current scientific research available to improve the quality of human lives. My mission is to tell a story.



Genuine Concern

"Dr. Arini has demonstrated over and over again a genuine concern for the whole person."

Pleasure to Read

I just started fact-checking your articles on AATD. I just have to say, your articles are a pleasure to read. Well done!"


Haymarket Media

Fact Checker


"Incredibly competent and compassionate!"
"Not only highly skilled,
but also fun!"

Top Notch

"As for your work overall, I have enjoyed editing your stories. Your work has been top notch – well-structured articles, packed with information, well-researched and solid work on accuracy fronts." 

~ D. O.

Haymarket Media Editor

Far Atop the
Professional Scale

"Maria is what in Yiddish we call a mensch -- a human being of the first order. The fact that she is better at what she does than anyone who has treated me in at least 15 years puts her far atop the professional scale." 

Appreciated Writing Voice

"I’m so glad to have you as part of the Rare Disease Advisor effort, Maria. Thanks so much for helping us get the site launched. Your writing voice is greatly appreciated."


Haymarket Media Rare Disease Advisor Lead

Notebook and Fountain Pen

Let's Take Your Project to the Next Level

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